November 2013

In this Issue:

  • Victory! “José Luis Sin Censura” Hit With Historic Fine As A Result Of NHMC/GLAAD Complaint
  • Paving the Way for More Latinos in Hollywood
  • NHMC Washington, D.C. Policy Shop Update
  • Honoring Public Servants and Media Companies at the 4th Annual D.C. Impact Awards Reception
  • Another Successful Year of NHMC’s TV Writers Program
  • Save the Date for Impact Awards Gala and MediaCon! 

Victory! “José Luis Sin Censura” Hit With Historic Fine As A Result Of NHMC/GLAAD Complaint

On November 14, the FCC announced that it had reached a settlement with Liberman Broadcasting, Inc. (LBI) to resolve a nearly three year-long investigation into the airing of indecent, obscene, and profane content on its Spanish-language broadcast stations. The investigation was launched after NHMC and GLAAD filed an extensive complaint concerning the Spanish-language talk show “José Luis Sin Censura,” which aired on KRCA, LBI’s Los Angeles station, and other stations across the country. For several years, the show aired virulent anti-gay, anti-Latino and anti-female content, in which guests and audience members were regularly prompted to chant anti-gay, anti-Latino, and anti-female terms, as well as engage in verbal and physical attacks.
In the Consent Decree, the FCC states that LBI violated the FCC’s indecency regulations. LBI agrees to make a “voluntary” contribution of $110,000 to the United States Treasury and to effect an extensive, three-year compliance plan to ensure that it will no longer broadcast indecent material. Click here for more information on the compliance plan. The historic Consent Decree marks the first indecency action taken by the FCC since 2010 and, also, the first since the Supreme Court questioned the FCC’s indecency policy in June 2012. Moreover, it is one of the few times that the FCC has pursued indecency violations on Spanish-language media. The settlement follows an 18-month campaign by GLAAD and NHMC that resulted in the show’s permanent removal from the broadcast schedule in August 2012. Click here to read NHMC and GLAAD’s joint release.

Paving the Way for More Latinos in Hollywood

On November 19, NHMC and the Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) hosted the first Latino Scene Showcase.

The showcase featured short scenes written by  NHMC TV Writers Program alumni and were performed by Latino actors for a select group of network and industry executives. To learn more,click here.

NHMC Washington, D.C. Policy Shop Update 

As the D.C. leaves change colors, the FCC comes under new leadership. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler was sworn in on November 4.
Wheeler surprised many in his first weeks in office, by appointing long-time public interest advocate, FCC critic, and NHMC ally, Gigi Sohn, and by issuing a stern letter to the very wireless companies for whom he used to lobby. Wheeler, a venture capitalist and former lobbyist for the cable and wireless industries, is appearing to be much more interesting and public-interest oriented than some speculated. “Already, in his few weeks in office, he has demonstrated a willingness to engage communities of color in policy conversations. Time will tell his true commitment to a responsible and inclusive media ecosystem and universal and affordable connectivity, but, based on what I have witnessed thus far, I have great hope for this Chairman,” stated NHMC’s Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Jessica Gonzalez.
During a recent trip to D.C., NHMC staff members sat down with Mr. Wheeler and Ms. Sohn. At that meeting, they highlighted several Coalition priorities,including: (1) resolution of NHMC’s outstanding petition for inquiry on hate speech in media, calling for a study on the extent and effects of hate speech in media; (2) sustaining and promoting diverse media owners; and (3) modernization of federal programs such as E-rate and Lifeline to ensure that all communities have equal and affordable broadband internet access.
Finally, on November 1, NHMC filed a petition to deny the license renewal of KFI AM, the radio station that airs infamous haters, John and Ken. NHMC alleges that, due to John and Ken and other KFI pundits’ dehumanizing attacks and reckless disregard for the facts, that KFI is not meeting its public interest responsibilities as a broadcaster, and that it appears that it may be engaging in news distortion. For more on NHMC’s campaign against John and Ken, please click here.

Honoring Public Servants and Media Companies at the 4th Annual Washington, D.C. Impact Awards Reception

On November 14, NHMC celebrated its 4th Annual Washington, D.C. Impact Awards Reception at the National Association of Broadcasters’ headquarters. At the reception, NHMC honored ZGS Communications for its Outstanding Service to the Latino Community, and FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel and Congressman Ben Ray Luján for Outstanding Public Service. Click here to learn more about the honorees.


More photographs from NHMC’s 4th Annual Washington, D.C. Impact Awards Reception are available at NHMC’s Washington, D.C. Impact Awards Reception honors public servants and community leaders, as well as media professionals and entities, whose achievements, generosity of spirit, and courage under fire have greatly benefited the welfare of the nation in the areas of media and telecommunications. Sponsors included the National Association of Broadcasters, Google, Sprint, T-Mobile and ZGS Communications. A number of other donors also provided generous support for the event. Their tax-deductible gifts to the National Hispanic Media Coalition, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, support NHMC’s mission.


Another Successful Year of NHMC’s TV Writers Program

On November 15, NHMC completed its 11th annual Television Writers Program. After five weeks of intensive training and writing, all ten writers completed their own spec scripts that will be read and reviewed by executives at NBCUniversal and ABC Television Group. With their polished spec scripts, the writers will go on to apply to staffing opportunities as well as apply to participate in the other writing programs offered by the networks. Click here to meet the writers, and here for more information about the program.

Save the Date for Impact Awards Gala and MediaCon!


National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit civil and human rights organization that was founded to eliminate hate, discrimination, and racism toward the Latino communities.
© 2025 National Hispanic Media Coalition // // o. (626) 792-6462
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