October 2016

In this edition of NHMC at Work:

  • 2016 NHMC New York Impact Awards Reception
  • NHMC in the News
  • From Hate to Healing: A Path Forward
  • Fall Television Premieres
  • D.C. Policy Shop Update
  • NHMC Welcomes Aitza M. Haddad Nunez as its Fall 2016 Facebook Fellow
  • NHMC is Hiring
  • FCC Consumer Advisory Committee Appointees
  • The Media's Coverage of Race and Dog-Whistle Politics

2016 NHMC New York Impact Awards Reception

[caption id="attachment_9732" align="aligncenter" width="436"]L to R - Francisco Cortes, Jessica Formoso, Juan Cartagena and Lynda Baquero L to R - Francisco Cortes, Jessica Formoso, Juan Cartagena and Lynda Baquero[/caption]
On October 6, at Google Headquarters in New York City, NHMC held its 2nd annual New York Impact Awards Reception. Honorees included Fox News Latino; Fox 5 reporter Jessica Formoso; Telemundo 47 anchor Jorge Ramos; and LatinoJustice PRLDEF. Lynda Baquero, Consumer Reporter of Better Get Baquero at NBC 4 New York emceed the event. To view photos from the event, visit https://flic.kr/s/aHskHRDS3K. NHMC's President and CEO Alex Nogales opened the evening by addressing the audience, "Our communities are better served because of your dedication to communicating our experience and expanding opportunities for all Latinos."
[caption id="attachment_9654" align="aligncenter" width="433"]Lynda Baquero and Alex Nogales Lynda Baquero and Alex Nogales[/caption]
Last year, NHMC began a tradition of honoring those individuals or entities from the New York area whose achievements, generosity of spirit, and courage under fire, have greatly benefited the welfare of the Latino community. Past NHMC Impact Award recipients include: Jeanine Ramirez (NY1 News), Joe Torres (WABC-TV), Lynda Baquero (NBC 4 New York), Esteban Creste (Univision 41), and former Commissioner of the New York City Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, Cynthia López. The event gathers over 150 local industry leaders. To read more about the evening, click here. Also, visit our YouTube channel to watch our honorees' acceptance videos and the full program.

2016 Reception Sponsor:


NHMC in the News

LATINOCOMMCSUF - LC's Get Inspired at National Hispanic Media Coalition Local Impact Awards Fox 5 New York - Jessica Formoso honored at NHMC New York Impact Awards Reception NILP - Latino Journalists and Media Advocate Honored Patch - Why Donald Trump's 'Bad Hombres' Comment Offended So Many Viewers

From Hate to Healing: A Path Forward

hateAt the beginning of the month, President and CEO Alex Nogales joined a group of individuals in Washington D.C. in calling for an end to hate and a path toward healing. That group included Tony Schwartz, coauthor of Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal, Marielena Hincapié, executive director of National Immigration Law Center - Immigrant Justice Fund (NILC-IJF), Linda Sarsour, cofounder and director of MPower Change, Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and Cristina Jimenez, cofounder and director of United We Dream Action. When discussing hate speech, Mr. Nogales told the audience, "It is infecting our workplaces, classrooms and homes, and we are joining groups that represent women, people of color, LGBT individuals, and people of every faith and walk of life to say enough is enough. It's high time we restore a civility to our public discourse that accurately represents and respects all people." Recent Hate Speech and Hate Crimes Just last month in the Bay Area city of Richmond, CA, two men assaulted a Sikh man. The men were charged with two counts of felony assault for beating the man and cutting off his hair. For additional information, you can read the article by the Los Angeles Times. Hate speech and hate crimes are affecting youth as well. At a high school in Montana, students showed up to a 'Color Wars' pep rally in t-shirts with offensive language, including the phrase 'White Power'. To read the Washington Post article covering this story, click here. Another recent case of hate speech is of a woman yelling racial slurs at an African-American couple in Chicago, IL. She was charged for the hate crime, according to Patch.com. To read more about the press conference, click here.

Fall Television Premieres

This month, NHMC staff was excited for the premieres of some of our favorite television shows, all in which include prominent Latinos in their casts. In September, NHMC's Univision Fellow Alejandra Salazar wrote a blog piece that outlined which networks' fall TV shows featured Latinos. To read the blog, click here. 14423024885_b9866c71c1_bTowards the beginning of the month, the CW hit show The Flash premiered. Not only is NHMC proud that NHMC TV Writers Program alum Judalina Neira currently works on the series as Executive Story Editor, but also that Carlos Valdes' character, tech genius Cisco Ramon, is a vital member of the ensemble. To read all about The Flash and Valdes' character on LatinxMic, click here. jane_the_virgin_logoAnother series that NHMC was very excited to write about in anticipation of its season premiere, was CW series Jane the Virgin. Since episode one of this series, Jane has proved itself unique compared to anything else on American television - there's romance, comedy, and a great emphasis on Latino culture and tradition. It is a show about a family of strong single women who represent three generations of the Venezuelan-American immigrant experience. This amazing satire of the traditional telenova stars Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva. To read about Jane the Virgin on LatinxMic, click here. Don't forget to visit NHMC's Medium page, LatinxMic, for more articles.

D.C. Policy Shop Update

NHMC Urges FCC to Adopt Important Consumer Reforms This past month, NHMC urged the FCC to protect consumer privacy on the internet, create competition and lower prices in the cable TV market, and issue guidance to make the full internet available to everyone. NHMC signed onto a letter penned by a coalition of 76 public interest organizations asking the FCC to adopt three current proposals that would benefit consumers. NHMC also joined the Center for Media Justice, Color of Change, 18 Million Rising, and Free Press to create a fact sheet explaining how each of these items could benefit all consumers, with particular impacts on low income consumer and consumers of color. Last week, the FCC adopted one of NHMC’s recommendation and voted to approve broadband privacy rules that require internet service providers to protect consumer privacy and obtain user consent before sharing personal information. NHMC Asks Administration to Expand Broadband Research NHMC joined several other civil rights groups in submitting comments to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and National Science Foundation (NSF) with recommendations on how to expand and refine a broadband research agenda. The letter, submitted on behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (of which NHMC is a member), identified the specific benefits of universal broadband adoption and recommended the NTIA and NSF seek out and disseminate more detailed broadband adoption data. Having this data is one of the many tools we can use to bridge the digital divide. Other signatories include the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, AFL-CIO, American Civil Liberties Union, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Common Cause, Communications Workers of America, NAACP, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, and the United Church of Christ, OC Inc.

NHMC Welcomes Aitza M. Haddad Nunez as its Fall 2016 Facebook Fellow

aitzaThis month, NHMC welcomed a new Facebook Policy Fellow for Fall 2016 to the team - Aitza M. Haddad Nunez. Haddad Nunez is a Ph.D. candidate in the Communication, Culture and Media Studies Program at Howard University. She has a great passion for helping people on a global scale at the intersection of human and communications rights. Last year she clerked for Free Press, producing research and analysis on issues such as net neutrality and media ownership diversity. Aitza received her B.A. in Political Sciences from University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, a J.D. from Inter American University of Puerto Rico Law School, and a LL.M. in Comparative Law from University of Florida Levin College of Law. Aitza's research interests are focused on Human Rights, International Law, International Relations, Humanitarian Law, Family Law, Public Interest Policy, Media Law and Media Policy, and more specifically, on the effects of media in the shaping and sharing of power at the local and the global level. To read more about Aitza's impressive background, click here.

NHMC is Hiring

Join the fight for responsible and inclusive media! Development Associate HiringNHMC seeks a self-motivated individual with outstanding writing skills for the Development Associate position. Applicant should have previous experience working in a not-for-profit development office. This position is responsible for managing and growing a diverse portfolio of funders through the identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of new and existing individual donor and foundation prospects. The ideal candidate is a compelling writer with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. Click here to read the full job description and application details for the Development Associate position.

FCC Consumer Advisory Committee Appointees

NHMC would like to congratulate Policy Associate Andy Lomeli for being appointed to the FCC's Consumer Advisory Committee! On October 31st, the Federal Communications Commission released a Public Notice announcing its Consumer Advisory Committee Appointees. Its mission is to 'make recommendations to the Commission regarding consumer issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission and to facilitate the participation of consumers in proceedings before the Commission.' To read the FCC's Public Notice, which includes a list of the other appointees, click here.

The Media's Coverage of Race and Dog-Whistle Politics

[caption id="attachment_9740" align="alignright" width="300"]Photo Credit: Free Press Photo Credit: Free Press[/caption] On October 18, NHMC joined Free Press, Open Society Foundations, Center for Media Justice, and Color of Change in presenting a panel in New York titled The Media's Coverage of Race and Dog-Whistle Politics. On the panel was Juan González of Democracy Now!, author Joseph Torres, Brandi Collins of Color Of Change, Mic's Zak Cheney-Rice, and CNNMoney national race and inequality reporter Tanzina Vega. Joseph Torres, author and Free Press' Senior External Affairs Director, organized and moderated the panel. The panelists covered topics like how activism challenges traditional media, diversity in the newsroom, and how money can affect which stories get told. To watch the full stream of the panel, click here.]]>

National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit civil and human rights organization that was founded to eliminate hate, discrimination, and racism toward the Latino communities.
© 2025 National Hispanic Media Coalition // communications@nhmc.org // o. (626) 792-6462
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