October 2011

In this issue:

  • Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres Book
  • Help ‘Take John and Ken Off the Air’
  • Bill Shock Rules
  • KFI Demonstration
  • 2011 Writers Program

Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres Book

News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media by Juan Gonzalez and Joseph Torres A landmark narrative history of American media that puts race at the center of the story. News for All the People is a sweeping account of the class and racial conflicts in American news media, from the first colonial newspaper to the internet age. It chronicles key government decisions that created our nation’s system of news, major political battles over the role of the press, and the rise of media conglomerates and epoch-defining technologies. The book reveals how racial segregation in the media distorted the news and unearths numerous examples of how publishers and broadcasters actually fomented racial violence through their coverage. And it illuminates how Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American journalists fought to create a vibrant yet little-known alternative and democratic press and then, beginning in the 1970s, forced open the doors of the major media companies. The writing is fast-paced, story-driven and replete with portraits of individual journalists and media executives, both famous and obscure, the heroes and the villains. It weaves back and forth between the corporate battles and government policies that built our segregated media system- as when Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover gave a radio license to a notorious KKK organization in the nation’s capital-and those who rebelled against that system, such as Pittsburgh Courier publisher Robert L. Vann, who led a national campaign to get the black-face comedy Amos ‘n’ Andy off the air. News for All the People will become the new standard history of American media. News for All the People is currently touring the US. See the tour schedule with more details here

Help ‘Take John and Ken Off the Air’

We have great news to share with you about our Take John and Ken Off the Air Campaign. Our last demonstration outside of Clear Channel’s building in Burbank, California, was a huge success. Watch the video. Our Campaign to take the shock jocks off the air has also gained a lot of media traction, check it out: Demonstration Against Hate SpeechLos Angeles Times: KFI’s "John and Ken Show" Loses Advertisers as Latinos Protest NBC Los Angeles: Latino Groups Seek Ouster of "John and Ken Show" EFE: Latinos Push Advertisers to Boycott Anti-Migrant Radio Show We already celebrate that AT&T Wireless, Ralph’s, Verizon FiOS, and Von’s have pulled their ads from KFI AM 640’s ‘The John and Ken Show,’ and others will soon follow suit. To keep yourself updated on the latest developments of our Campaign please make sure to visit our Take John and Ken Off the Air webpage. You Can Help Too You can help our Campaign by signing a petition to have John and Ken removed from Clear Channel’s airwaves. Please also make sure to ask your friends and networks to do the same. Thank you for your support! Best, NHMC Team

Bill Shock Rules

National Hispanic Media Coalition Statement on Wireless Industry Bill Shock Guidelines NHMC Hoped that Enforceable Rules Would Be Created Rather than Voluntary Guidelines PASADENA-(NHMC – Oct. 18, 2011)-On Monday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that the four major wireless industry companies, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile, have agreed to implement a series of voluntary guidelines to combat Bill Shock. Bill Shock refers to the common occurrence of wireless subscribers being surprised by a higher than average monthly bill, usually due to unexpected overage or roaming charges. Under the voluntary guidelines, these wireless providers will send consumers free alerts when they approach and meet their monthly limit on voice, text, and data services. The guidelines will also ask providers to alert consumers when they are about to incur international roaming charges and clearly disclose to customers any tools available to monitor and limit usage. The wireless industry has agreed to fully implement these guidelines by April 2013. However, while the final text of the guidelines is not yet available, the guidelines do not seem to reflect a number of recommendations made by the National Hispanic Media Coalition, NHMC, and other consumer groups, notably to require that any alerts be standardized, in plain language that is easy to understand, and available in other languages besides English. The FCC has decided to keep its Bill Shock proceeding open and has promised to resume the rulemaking process if the industry players fail to comply with the guidelines that they create. "We have long advocated for enforceable, common sense rules that would protect consumers from unexpected charges on their monthly bills. While we are glad that the FCC has chosen not to close the door on the Bill Shock proceeding, we had hoped that enforceable rules would be created, rather than voluntary, industry guidelines. We look forward to reviewing more information on the practical implementation of the guidelines and will closely monitor the situation to determine whether or not we have truly achieved the victory for consumers that we have been promised," said Jessica Gonzalez, Vice President of Policy & Legal Affairs for the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

KFI Demonstration

Coalition of SoCal Community Leaders to Demonstrate against Hate Speech on KFI 640 AM Three Sponsors Have Committed to Cease Sponsorship of the "John and Ken Show" PASADENA-(NHMC – October 12, 2011)-The National Hispanic Media Coalition, NHMC, and its allies will hold a peaceful demonstration in front of KFI 640 AM – a Clear Channel station – to protest the stations’ patronage of hate speech targeting Latinos on the "John and Ken Show." The demonstration and a press conference will be held at 3400 W. Olive St. Burbank, CA 91505 at 11:30AM, Thursday, October 13, 2011. The National Hispanic Media Coalition has contacted the advertisers of the "John and Ken Show," many of which were not aware that their advertising dollars were supporting hate speech against Latinos on the radio. Two of the largest advertisers and a local one have already committed to pull their ads from the "John and Ken Show" in support of the Take John and Ken Off the Air Campaign. Their names, and any others that agree to pull their advertising before Thursday morning, will be made known during the press conference. The full list of the advertisers NHMC has contacted follow below:
On-air advertisements ●      AT&T Wireless ●      Auto Insurance Specialists ●      Ayres Hotels ●      Cadillac ●      Cunning Dental Group ●      Jarvis & Krieger Attorneys at Law ●      Riverside Metro Auto Group ●      Saddleback Eye Center ●      Susan’s Healthy Gourmet ●      The Bugman   Official endorsements ●      Albertson’s ●      Aquarium of the Pacific ●      BMW ●      Cars for Causes ●      Chevron ●      Citrix "Go to my PC" ●      Home Depot ●      Hyundai ●      Quicken ●      Ralphs ●      The Bicycle Casino ●      Verizon FIOS ●      Vons
Conversations between NHMC and all of the other advertisers continue. "We expect that most – if not all – of the advertisers will pull out their ads in support of our campaign against the hate speech targeting Latinos and other people of color on KFI’s "John and Ken Show." We will hold the peaceful demonstration in exercise of our freedom of speech protesting John and Ken’s demonization of Latinos and others with which they disagree," comments Alex Nogales, President and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition. So far over 30 organizations have joined the Campaign to Take John and Ken off the Air, among them America’s Voice, Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), Communication Workers of America, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Jewish Labor Committee Western Region, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR). See the full list Call to Action This growing coalition of community leaders is asking the community to join in the "Take John and Ken off the Air" Campaign. Supporters are asked to call and write letters to Clear Channel, parent company of KFI, as well as to join an online petition. Find all the information on NHMC.org (https://nhmc.org/content/take-john-and-ken-air Sampling of transcripts from the John and Ken Show "They (Mexican immigrants) bring their third-world habits and foul our life." "Look at the drug cartels, all the trafficking, all the rapes, the murders….I mean, they kill 40 thousand people on that side of the border and they are bringing that over here. Now, just up here in Santa Rosa, this week, a 4 year-old kid, Christopher "Buddy" Rowe — 4 years old — was killed by an illegal alien, who ran him over in his way to soccer practice….because we don’t enforce our laws." "One of the biggest struggles that the average middle class family has, it’s to save enough money and get their kid admitted into a half decent school. And then, to have your seat taken away by an illegal, and the funding taken away by an illegal. You know, if that doesn’t get people screaming bloody murder, then you deserve this rotten State, you really do." "If there was actually a line to get to the grant money, and actually a line to get admitted into the college, imagine the illegal alien elbows you and says ‘-You know what? I’ll be taking your seat and your money.’ You would turn around and sack him on the snout. You would punch him out and say: ‘Get out of here! What are you, a thief? That’s my money, and that’s my seat.’ This is really what we’re doing here. We’re allowing all these illegal aliens to shove us out of the way, and take our seats and take our money in all these colleges."

2011 Writers Program

Screenwriting Program Aims to Employ Latino Writers on Television Networks PASADENA-(NHMC – Oct. 11, 2011)-The National Hispanic Media Coalition, NHMC, and the National Latino Media Council, NLMC, congratulate the writers selected to the 2011 class of its Television Writers Program. The list of selected writers can be found at: https://nhmc.org/writersprogram. The NHMC/NLMC Television Writers Program is an intensive scriptwriters workshop which prepares and places Latinos in writing jobs at major English language television networks. The NHMC/NLMC Television Writers Program is designed to familiarize participants with the format, characters and storyline structure of specific shows that are currently on the air. This five-week, total immersion workshop is mentored and guided by former NBC V.P of Script Development, Geoff Harris. The workshop is conducted in Burbank, CA, and a total of 10 writers are recruited nationwide from established network of NHMC chapters, other non-profit agencies, schools, universities, guilds and media organizations. The goal is to provide writers with the skills necessary to obtain employment in the industry. "The program directly responds to the lack of diverse writers in primetime network TV with the idea that if there are more diverse writers present at the writer’s table, more diversity will be reflected on the screen," states Alex Nogales, President and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition. The NLMC Writers Program was created in accordance to NHMC’s mission to improve the image of American Latinos as portrayed by the media and increase the number of American Latinos employed in all facets of the media industry. Almost 200 applicants went through a rigorous selection process. The program is not directed to beginners. Candidates must be experienced writers able to write at least one half-hour comedy or one-hour dramatic television script within a five-week period of time. Each selected participant is expected to complete at least one script by the end of the five-week session, which will then be read by network executives. Those writers whose scripts are promising will be interviewed and mentored by the network executives with the objective of placing them on a show. A stipend of $250 per week is provided to each participant. Flight, housing, and meals are also provided. The NHMC/NLMC Television Writers Program was created in 2003 and is sponsored by ABC and NBC networks. Many writers who attend the NHMC/NLMC Television Writers Program go on to work in Hollywood some of the most recent examples are: Mark Valadez(c/o 2008)- TNT "Perception" Silvia Olivas(c/o 2009)- Disney "Jessie" Sierra Ornelas (c/o 2009)-  ABC "Happy Endings" Marcos Luevanos (c/o 2008)- BET "The Game" Spiro Skentzos (c/o 2009)- NBC "Grimm" Gina Monreal (c/o 2008)- CBS "NCIS" Rob Sudduth (c/o 2008)- ABC "Good Christian Belles" Emilia Serrano (c/o 2008)- FOX "The Finder" Zoila Galeano (c/o 2008)- Mun2 "RPM Miami"]]>

National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit civil and human rights organization that was founded to eliminate hate, discrimination, and racism toward the Latino communities.
© 2025 National Hispanic Media Coalition // communications@nhmc.org // o. (626) 792-6462
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